Jose Manuel Ventoso Picos


Space Pizza

Mobile shooter game, currently in development using monogame.


Rogue dog

Mobile RPG game about a dog written in Javascript.


Multiplayer space game

Implemented online play and simple combat.


Dumb rpg

Basics of a RPG engine working. Levels can have buildings with several floors and can be edited with tiled editor.

Pacman/Racing ld32 game

Uncompleted ludum dare entry, some gameplay has been implemented.

Sheep enchanter 0.2

Improved version of ld31 entry. Added more mechanics and different levels.

Random pokemon

Proof of concept for a randomly generated pokemon game. Implemented simple exploration and combat mechanics.



Open source 3D game creator and editor.
  • Android support
  • Lua integration
  • Multiplayer support
  • Online collaborative editing

Sheep enchanter

Completed ludum dare entry. Get the sheep to the end and avoid wolves on the way.