
I am jsmtux (Jose Manuel Ventoso Picos) and I am a Software Architect from Galicia, Spain, and I’d like to welcome you to my web page.

During my studies and professional life I’ve always been developing some personal project or other as a hobby. Along with being a very entertaining hobby, they helped me greatly learning new languages, frameworks and software engineering in general.

Here you’ll find information about me and about my professional career; which is, apart from my family, what I am most proud of.

Last, but not least, you can find how to contact me at the bottom of the page. I would love if you could drop me a line if anything in this page piques your interest.


Personal Projects

These are some of the personal projects I am most proud about. You can find a list with more of them along with their source code at my old home page.

Space Pizza

Space pizza picture

Space Pizza is my latest and greatest project. If you are lucky enough to have an android phone you can download it through its google play page.

Sheep Enchanter

Open3d Screenshot

Sheep enchanter is a game I did in a weekend for the 31st edition of the ludum dare. I am specially proud of this one for being my first finished game, and because I learnt the Dart language, which I am very fond of, whilst doing it. You can play it here or see the ludum dare entry page here.

Did you find any of these inspiring? Do you have any questions about my code or some of the features? You can find my contact details at the bottom!, so please let me know!


This is the space dedicated to my articles on Software development. Even if at the moment there is only one.

Refactoring a legacy app into an exciting opportunity

Legacy app image

This has been my first article, I wanted to have this written to reflect my learnings in one of my assignments. That part of my work experience was quite demanding, but it also tought me a lot not only on software development, but also how teams get organised to move big projects forward. You can read it on the Medium article page.

Working Experience

Me at Tomtom Hackathon

I’ve been interested in the inner workings of computers and video games most of my life. That’s what drove me to my five year computer science degree. During my studies I self taught myself C++ seeking more understanding of how real videogame software was done.

I was lucky enough to finish my university degree at the same time as my girlfriend at the time (now wife). She used to be a nurse, and her professional career wouldn’t be good if we remained in Spain. That is the reason why, once we both finished studying we moved to Cambridge, UK. There I started working at a set-top box company, Amino Communications. The company was on a transitional period from C to C++, and my knowledge fit right in.

Porting Elite Dangerous to PS4 and Xbox One

Image of Elite Dangerous

My next company Frontier Developments took me into the job of my dreams, port an existing and amazing game Elite Dangerous to PS4 and Xbox One. I was given more freedom to implement fundamental pieces of the final product, and gather extensive knowledge of the inner workings of the two most powerful games consoles at the time.

Helping at Tomtom

Image of Peugeot 3008

After the brexit happened we started looking for new experiences somewhere else in Europe. A contract with TomTom took us to Eindhoven (The Netherlands), home to Philips. I started working as a DevOps engineer until I got to be part of the ‘TomTom pipeline team’, where we decided together how to shape the continuous integration pipeline for the whole company.

Researching at Signify

Image of NatureConnect

Looking for more research focused work, I ended up in Signify, where I happily work as part of the NatureConnect venture.

Thank you for your interest!

About Me


I spent plenty of time alone as a child, looking for ways to entertain myself. My favourite toy was my increasing collection of lego sets, mainly because of the countless possibilities each new piece had to offer. My dream back then was of a totally versatile toy, one wich you could reuse and rebuild forever. This I found in computers.

Throughout my teenage years I became obsessed with PCs, graphics cards and OSs. At a very young age I forced myself to use MS-DOS in order to launch Prince of Persia on a very old computer I had at my dad’s home. Thankfully enough, my family supported myself with my dream, and was one of the first people I knew to have internet connection (32Kbps…).

At 17 I was already messing with OpenGL to the point I had to interrogate my math teacher about inverse matrices and other vector math. Choosing a 5 year degree on Software engineering was the perfect choice for my following studies. To be fully honest, I didn’t visit the class or the library as much as my other colleages, decided to study at home at my own pace.

Living in Europe, it was always easy for me and my partner to move from one country to other in search for new opportunities for our future. All these pieces of my past allow me to have the life I always envisioned for myself. And, being born in the 1990 I can only dream what else the future has to offer.